2021 Annual Membership Meeting

Your 2021 Annual Membership Meeting was virtual again this year. We are hopeful for an in-person meeting next year. “We look forward to seeing everyone in Ocean Park for our 2022 Annual Meeting.” Doug Page, President/CEO.

Every year, the Annual Meeting changes locations between the Aberdeen, Raymond and Long Beach/Ocean Park areas. In 2022, the meeting will be held in the Ocean Park area, if an in-person meeting is feasible.

The 2021 Annual Meeting was of course, held virtually. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. It was determined a quorum was present with 31 members in attendance along with the Board and credit union team running the meeting for a total of 42 attendees.

The three positions up for re-election were: Mike Lewin, Aberdeen Area, Position #5; Larry Bale, Raymond Area, Position #4; and Jeanette Neva, Long Beach Area, Position #6. All positions being unopposed were re-elected to new terms.

Door prize drawings took place with 10 winners drawn and prizes of $68 were awarded to each to be deposited into their account.

Thank you for all who attended, we appreciate your involvement and participation with your credit union. The recorded meeting can be viewed here.

EventKarla Peterson