70th Annual Membership Meeting

Your credit union’s 70th Annual Membership Meeting was held Saturday, April 22nd at the Log Pavilion in Aberdeen. In attendance were members coming from all reaches of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties.

Highlighted by President/CEO, Doug Page was the history of your credit union. “We actually got our start right across the river over here with Schafer Mill. I’m told that deposits were actually kept in shoeboxes back in the beginning. You’ll be happy to know, we no longer keep member deposits in shoeboxes. We have come a long way since 1953.”

Following presentations by your Treasurer and the Supervisory Committee Chair, were the Board elections with three positions on the ballot. All incumbents were voted into their positions with no nominations from the floor.

The auction, featuring baskets and items compiled by credit union team members, raised $968 for local food banks.

Wrapping up his statement, Chairman of the Board Mike Lewin stated “We are thankful for our members and look forward to the future and we’re sure to be around for at least another 70 years.” A sentiment echoed by Treasurer, Ken Cummings and President/CEO Doug Page.

To all credit union employees in attendance, our Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee Members and, of course, all our members - Thank you!

Karla Peterson